Feb 6, 2013 · 0 Comments
I’m starting off 2013 by going back to basics re: my web development skills - attempting to master the core technologies - HTML, CSS and JavaScript. I’m focusing now on JavaScript, by far the most intricate and difficult of the three. I recently discovered the CloudSpokes Coding Challenges and thought it would be a good excuse to work hands-on with JS.
I just wrapped up my submission for CloudSpokes’ First Time Submitter Challenge for January 2013.
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Jan 6, 2013 · 0 Comments
I built my first desktop PC over the past couple of months with the help of some of my coworker buddies. It was a fantastic experience - I was able to build a fast, powerful Desktop for less than the cost of a mid-range laptop (excluding the cost of monitors). I focused on 3 areas: software development (good CPU, lots of RAM and an SSD), gaming (2GB GPU), and media (1TB HDD for movies/tv/games).
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Jan 3, 2013 · 0 Comments
Year In Review
I’ve come a long way in my 3.5 years with The SAVO Group - this year was certainly the busiest but also the most rewarding. Highlights include:
Leadership: I was placed in charge of the design/architecture of a bunch of our largest projects, which forced me to better the methods our team uses in designing and implementing reusable packaged solutions. On top of that, the biggest challenge of the year was being placed in charge of a team of outsourced developers that assisted with our larger projects.
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