PhoneGap Build: "Certificate doesn't match profile" fix found
Jan 11, 2015 · 0 Comments PhoneGapCordovaAfter a couple of months without building my apps on PhoneGap Build, I came back to the site only to see build errors. Very strange, as all of my certificates and keys were valid. On the PhoneGap community forums, others had the same issue.
TLDR; Re-export your developer certificate (.p12 file) from Keychain Access on your Mac in addition to creating a new Provisioning Profile from
The PhoneGap Build documentation for “Certificate doesn’t match profile” states that you should try regenerating the provisioning file. However, I found that exporting a new copy of my developer certificate from the Keychain app did the trick!
My best guess for why this happened is that PhoneGap Build must have updated something on their end. This could be the case with Apple too - maybe there is newer metadata included when we re-export the p12? We may never know, but I’m hopeful this will help others in the future!
I’ve logged an enhancement to the Adobe team to update their docs to include this as another troubleshooting step.